Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Things 12

Moving in and out of the blog sites/web sites has been a good exercise. Sometimes you can get lost in a blog when there are other links within the blog that lead you elsewhere and then that site has links, et cetera, et cetera. I was amused by how much time was spent on "blog etiquette." All very good points and reminders but when one goes back to the basics, for example, I consider myself Christian and of Christian principal, one realizes that if we really practiced what we preached (so to speak) there would be little need for all these rules and reminders as this would all be ingrained. Moving beyond that little point, I am really enjoying the limitlessness (if that is a word) of the possibilities. I can see that I will be spending a lot of time coming back to the 23 things to fine tune all the learning going on. I have not been blogging other than here as I would like to choose a couple sites of interest and still figuring the whole process out.

1 comment:

bookeatersclub said...

I have found that when you have completed the 23 Things, you might need a spreadsheet to remember all that you learned!